Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Well, we made it past the "end of the world," and onto the year 2013!
Nah, but in reality this country, and myself, as well as those around me, have had a rough year. I won't go into it, because it's now over and we have a seemingly fresh start, so I'll take it. I'm just optimistic about being able to start over.
Do you make a New Year's resolution? If you do, and you are normally the kind to actually stick to it for longer than...January...GOOD LUCK! GO FORTH AND CONQUER! I, on the other hand, have never set forth with a resolution and kept it for more than a few days. If in the beginning of this blog I'd have told myself I was going to post once every Wednesday, or something, I would have failed miserably at that for a very long time now. Yoga? Tried that, got into it for about 2 straight weeks or so and I really thought I might take off with it...nope. Every now and then I'll do it, but I'll unfortunately probably never do this:
But the normal stretching & breathing is nice.
No. This year, I think I'll do something different. I'll resolve things I actually feel I can stick to.
I'll resolve to try. I resolve to persevere. I'll resolve to do the best I can. I will be a better person toward everyone- my family, my fiance, and people I don't know.  I resolve to read more classics, and actually get my way all the way through Little Women (grandma gave it to me for Christmas when I was 12...I think it's time, don't you?). I will try new things. I will be crafty. I will pray. I will love. I will continue to be mindful of being patient with others. I might even do yoga again.
I'm not going to put myself on a schedule with these resolutions...because let's be honest, nobody ends up sticking to a New Year's Resolution schedule after January. Unless you actually did quit smoking...in which case, 'you go, Glen Coco!' But for me, putting myself on a resolution schedule is basically like telling myself "so you just made this list...of things you will never do. That was fun! See you next year."
Here's to 2013!

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