Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cup of Feel Better

I normally have the immune system of a wet noodle but so far this season I've somehow managed not to get sick. Welllll I guess I've dodged it one week too long. Bear is currently getting over a sinus infection all his own.
While I don't think this is a sinus infection, I do definitely think I'm coming down with something. I feel worse now than I did this morning and I'm sure tomorrow morning I'll feel worse. So I've decided to make what I'd like to call the cup of Feel Better.
A mug full of hot water, about 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of honey. The apple cider vinegar has all KINDS of benefits and the yummy.
Happy Day-After-Christmas sickness.

Merry Belated Christmas!!

I've been busy. Months ago I decided that I would embark on a mostly DIY Christmas this year, and it would have been easier had I not had GOBS OF HOMEWORK TO DO. But now that my semester ended just over a week ago, things have slowed down quite a bit and I have had time to do things I want to do- craft.
Pinterest has been an amazing resource for finding gifts to make for my family at low costs, which is what I was looking to do. I got lost in much of the shuffle and hubub of being here and there, I completely forgot to save receipts and actually do what I wanted to do originally, which was record exactly how much (or little!) I managed to spend. Oh well. It ended up being more than I figured anyway, because we ended up getting my parents tablets and accessories.
ANYWAY! I even made homemade gifts for the children that I babysit and they LOVE THEM. I was not expecting the response from them that I got from them- they're only 3 and the other JUST turned 6, and they got SO excited over stuff I literally estimate I spent $7.00 TOTAL on, including wrapping, for them.
Look what I made!!

For the kids:
Multi-melted crayons

I love these, and I actually made myself one while I was making the rest of them. We moved YEARS ago, and by the time we got into the house from staying where we were, we (sibling and I) were a few years older and had next to no use for the things we had in storage. Two months ago (about 10 years after we moved) we unboxed some things and I found a next-to-brand-new box of Crayola crayons. So basically, these crayons were free for me. I peeled them, broke them into pieces, and put them into a cupcake pan mostly according to color family, and a few I put together that included all colors just to make super multi-colored ones. And I baked them at about 250 degrees for maybe a half an hour, or until I could see the very center of the piles of crayons totally melted. Then I took them out, let them cool just a bit and then I threw them into the freezer until they hardened. Pop them out & BAM! Pretty!

Animal Masks
I found these being sold on Etsy, for more than I would have paid for them and they were sold out anyway. So I figured I would make some of my own! Basically all it took was some notebook paper that I made my own template out of (fold in half and draw half the "pattern" so each side is the same size). Double the sheet of felt (I got mine at Michael's), pin the template & cut. Any additions to the front of each mask, I only sewed onto the TOP of the two layers. Sew stretchy strap in between the 2 layers.

Hot rice bag
This is mine.
 I forgot to take a picture of the ones I made for them, but I actually ended up making 6 of these, two of which went to THEIR parents and two of which went to Bear's parents. I basically just made a 5 1/4 x 5 1/4 inch square rice bag out of my fabric that lined with flannel so the hot rice wont burn hands. Sew all the way around, leaving about 1.5-2 inches to flip inside out and fill with rice. Clip corners, flip inside out, use scissors to push out corners, blah blah blah. I filled mine around 1/2 to 3/4 of the way full with rice using a funnel, use a ladder stitch to close the hole. Microwave for about 30 seconds to 45 seconds depending on how warm you want it, and enjoy :)

For THEIR parents, and for the future in-laws
Baked design mugs

I LOVE these mugs. I did print out silhouette pictures of what I put on the mugs, but honestly I ended up free-handing a lot of it. I used a black Sharpie at first, and then decided I didn't want the shiny, inky, oily look of the ink so I went over it with a glass paint by Martha Stewart that I currently cannot find right now...but you put it on cups and mugs and plates and whatever and BAKE it, at 350 degrees for a half hour. And it comes out like that! So cute. Those were plain mugs from Target.

For ONE of my future sister-in-laws
Reversible bag

This was actually really interesting for me to make, because I literally don't think I have ever, ever made a bag before, let alone a reversible one. I found this post from Pinterest which provides a printable pattern, and tried it for myself. The only thing I didn't do was dart my corners but I loved it just the same. And my recipient LOVES it- the colors are just her thing. So cute! I may end up making one for myself, too. 
I also made this same person button earrings, that I also forgot to take a picture of. I just got earring things with backings from Michael's and hot glued small matching buttons to them and let them cool. Voila! I ALSO made her one of these, except in pastel blue with white polka dots, but this next one and the ones after are for my BFF:

Fleece ear warmer
 I made one of these for myself, too. So cozy! Found here, except I cut 2 instead of just 1.
Found basic instructions here and here :) ...I hope these fit. Her wrists are teeny tiny so I just hope I didn't make them TOO tiny.

DIY coasters

These are EASY and WICKED CHEAP. I literally purchased these 4 plain white tiles from Lowes for 16 cents a piece, and got scrapbook paper from Michael's. I sponged Mod Podge on the back of the paper, laid it on the glossy side of the tile, made sure it was straight and put them upside down to dry with the weight of its own tile keeping everything together. When it dries completely, Mod Podge all over the top of the paper, I usually do 2 layers of this, but wait for each application to also dry completely, or else you will pull the color on the paper and it'll bleed and possibly rip the now wet paper and it'll get ugly. When EVERYTHING dries, I went over everything with a clear gloss finish spray paint. When that dries, I Mod Podged a square of scrap felt to the bottom so they don't scratch. Done.

For Bear's Sister
Bow tie necklace
This was also wicked easy. I purchased a rose gold colored chain from Michael's as well as some hooks in the same tone. Measure around your neck a good chain length, and take off about 2-2.5 inches. This length will be added when we sew in the bow. I think I took a scrap of fabric about 4 inches wide and maybe...9 inches long? I don't remember. Fold in half lengthwise, sew at about a 1/4 in seam allowance. I literally didn't even bother pressing my seams, I'm super lazy. Flip inside out, fold ends to meet right in the middle of the back, and stitch them there. I hand stitched everything else. Scrunch the bow right in the middle, and stitch straight down to keep it scrunched. Take a tiny scrap of the same fabric, make a tube with it the same way you did for the bow itself, and use it to wrap and hand stitch right around the middle. Lastly, find the very center of where the necklace falls, and break that part of the chain so it comes off (use jewelry pliers for this.) Hand stitch the chain rings BEHIND the bow, and you're finished! I might have to make myself one of these, too.

For my mama,
Little hand bound notebooks
 Instructions found here. My mama just likes notebooks and places to write things. She's quite the DIYer also so I wanted to find something she HASN'T made yet and doesn't INTEND to make.

And LASTLY, for the Bear.
Mustache pillow cases

I used pillow cases and a yard of dark gray flannel. On the wrong side of the fleece (keep it folded, so both sides are the same) I literally just eyeballed and hand drew half a mustache, cut it out. I zigzag stitched them onto the pillow cases, with the "tips" of the mustache pointing at the opening of each pillow case. Again, I would love some of these for me. I love flannel pillow cases!

I'm so sorry this post is like 17 years long- I might break it up into separate posts...later. Between watching TV this morning, eating pie for breakfast, and writing this, I've been sitting here for like 3 hours. I'm gonna go play with the NEW SEWING MACHINE I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Remembering December 14, 2012 - Sandy Hook Elementary School

 I can't even believe that I can possibly be writing this right now. This is the most unreal thing I've ever heard. I've wept at least once a day for the victims of this horrifying tragedy, and I will continue to do so, I'm sure. My heart aches for the families of these victims and it aches for the victims' last moments of terror, pleading and pain. We should never, ever need to worry about something like this happening, especially in our schools. Our teachers love our students far too much, and our students are much too young to die in such a horrible death. This shooting did not happen exceptionally far from me, and never before have I felt quite the wave of shock that ran through my blood when I first heard of this massacre. I am on the road to heading into working in the field of early childhood education, and this put the entire world into perspective in a heartbeat. Among all the places in the world, school should feel like one of the safest places for children, as well as their educators. It disgusts me and saddens me that children who learn about this disaster will more than likely be afraid to return to school, and it disgusts me that I now worry about this possibly happening to my future students and myself.
I choose not to picture the murderer here. Such a heinous crime and murderer needs no more publicity than it has already received, and I will not take part in giving the individual more. This is for the victims and the families. I pray and will pray for the victims and their families daily.

- Charlotte Bacon, 2/22/06, female, 6 years old.

- Daniel Barden, 9/25/05, male, 7 years old.

- Rachel Davino, 7/17/83, female, 29 years old.

- Olivia Engel, 7/18/06, female, 6 years old.

- Josephine Gay, 12/11/05, female, 7 years old.

- Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 04/04/06, female, 6 years old.

- Dylan Hockley, 3/8/06, male, 6 years old.

- Dawn Hochsprung, 06/28/65, female, 47 years old.

- Madeleine F. Hsu, 7/10/06, female, 6 years old.

- Catherine V. Hubbard, 6/08/06, female, 6 years old.

- Chase Kowalski, 10/31/05, male, 7 years old.

- Jesse Lewis, 6/30/06, male, 6 years old.

- James Mattioli , 3/22/06, male, 6 years old.

- Grace McDonnell, 12/04/05, female, 7 years old.

- Anne Marie Murphy, 07/25/60, female, 52 years old.

- Emilie Parker, 5/12/06, female, 6 years old.

- Jack Pinto, 5/06/06, male, 6 years old.

- Noah Pozner, 11/20/06, male, 6 years old.

- Caroline Previdi, 9/07/06, female, 6 years old.

- Jessica Rekos, 5/10/06, female, 6 years old.

- Avielle Richman, 10/17/06, female, 6 years old.

- Lauren Rousseau, 6/1982, female (full date of birth not specified), 30 years old.

- Mary Sherlach, 2/11/56, female, 56 years old.

- Victoria Soto, 11/04/85, female, 27 years old.

- Benjamin Wheeler, 9/12/06, male, 6 years old.

- Allison N. Wyatt, 7/03/06, female, 6 years old.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Mind. Blown.

Every year when the Christmas season rolls around, and ABC family plays Christmas movies ALL DAY ERR'DAY, my mom and I make a point, no matter how many times we've seen it, to sit down and watch Elf whenever it's on. I own the movie, and I still insist on watching it on TV when it's on.
 Anyway, today I have an assignment due that was given to me at the beginning of the semester and I haven't really started yet, so I decided to Google search things entirely irrelevant to my assignment. I wanted to see what Ralphie from A Christmas Story looked like all-grown-up now. First of all, he looks practically the same, except with face scruff. Secondly, HE WAS IN ELF. Not with a big role but he was the elf that told Buddy he was behind schedule on his Etch-A-Sketches. I officially feel more oblivious to the world now than I did before.
He would show up in another Christmas movie...with a minor role...YEARS later.
I love Christmas. I'm still upset that I missed this completely though.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

the end-of-semester hustle shuffle

Excuse the break of posting I've taken, while I tear my face apart and forget to eat every so often because of my current work load. Be back shortly :(

P.S. During my homework rampage I've been on, I've found this book. Check it out, I really like it.
Also I feel bad about not posting anything of interest, and anything at all, lately. So, here is my guilty conscious apology, even if nobody is reading:

P.P.S. I am in no way affiliated with anything concerning this book. I just found it at my local library today and couldn't even get myself to leave it in the preschool room for the other children to read like a good grown up should. Sorry kids- you'll get it back on the due date :3

Friday, November 9, 2012

Nutella "s'mores"

Ok, let's be honest- nothing more really needs to be said here.
Spread Nutella onto a cracker, top with mini marshmallows & microwave for 10 seconds. Eat. Die happily.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

DIY dreamcatcher

So a little while back I kept seeing really pretty dream catchers all over Pinterest and I just had to make one for myself. It was way easier than it looks, except mine took like two hours to make because my stupid thread got all knotted up in the process (side note: PAY ATTENTION to your thread :( ) so the majority of the time that this took me to make was occupied by the unknotting of a hurricane of badness.
 The process is easier explained in pictures, so here you gooo!
Firstly, gather your materials
  • Embroidery hoop (I got mine from JoAnn's for about $2)
  • Thread (I think I used the stuff you're supposed to crochet doilies with...)
  • Yarn color of your choice (from mom's stash)
  • Beads. I used tiny glass ones from Michael's craft store
  • Feathers (mine also from Michael's), or other decorative items to hang from it
  1. Wrap your entire embroidery hoop with your yarn. Wrap it nice and tightly so none of the hoop actually shows through.
  2. Then, the webbing process is as follows:

When you continue with it, you should get something that begins to look like what is shown above.
 Continue wrapping, and when you come back to the part you began from, begin using the sections of string the same way you used the embroidery hoop as your base for wrapping. Whenever you want to add a bead, slide it onto your string and then continue tying as usual. When you finish the webbing, just tie on whatever you'd like to hang from it. Voila! This is how mine turned out!

By the way, it snowed yesterday, and it's currently freezing rain out there. LOVELY- should have a marvelous time breaking into my car later.