Thursday, November 8, 2012

DIY dreamcatcher

So a little while back I kept seeing really pretty dream catchers all over Pinterest and I just had to make one for myself. It was way easier than it looks, except mine took like two hours to make because my stupid thread got all knotted up in the process (side note: PAY ATTENTION to your thread :( ) so the majority of the time that this took me to make was occupied by the unknotting of a hurricane of badness.
 The process is easier explained in pictures, so here you gooo!
Firstly, gather your materials
  • Embroidery hoop (I got mine from JoAnn's for about $2)
  • Thread (I think I used the stuff you're supposed to crochet doilies with...)
  • Yarn color of your choice (from mom's stash)
  • Beads. I used tiny glass ones from Michael's craft store
  • Feathers (mine also from Michael's), or other decorative items to hang from it
  1. Wrap your entire embroidery hoop with your yarn. Wrap it nice and tightly so none of the hoop actually shows through.
  2. Then, the webbing process is as follows:

When you continue with it, you should get something that begins to look like what is shown above.
 Continue wrapping, and when you come back to the part you began from, begin using the sections of string the same way you used the embroidery hoop as your base for wrapping. Whenever you want to add a bead, slide it onto your string and then continue tying as usual. When you finish the webbing, just tie on whatever you'd like to hang from it. Voila! This is how mine turned out!

By the way, it snowed yesterday, and it's currently freezing rain out there. LOVELY- should have a marvelous time breaking into my car later.

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