Friday, February 8, 2013

Winter Storm Nemo

The Weather Channel is making today/tonight/tomorrow to sound like another blizzard of '78 and I'm not sure if I should be "freaking out" yet. Because I wasn't alive then but I've heard it was awful...and sometimes weather sources hype up storms so everybody is forced to "be prepared." I love living in the northeast but losing power here during a winter storm is awful. I've heard that a few winters ago, Texas got some kind of "snow fall" which I guess they've never gotten before, and everybody like flipped out. And I'm just here with a forecast of anywhere from 1-2 feet of snow between now (7:45 Friday AM) and Saturday morning until about noon or so. And to be perfectly honest, we have 2 cars in my household, including mine, that in the event of a true emergency we could get out of the area if we needed to.
Bad news is that (the way TWC is making this storm sound...) I doubt we'll keep power, which really sucks because last season we lost power for almost a week and it was just super irritating. Good news that I'm blessed with is the fact that we do have a generator that can provide us with showers and occasional TV, Internet, and phone charging, and we do have a wood stove right in the living room. Toasty. Also I've been dying ever since I was like 13 to cook something on top of the wood stove. I should just do it sometime.
So this post isn't really about anything interesting, I guess it's just me rambling pre-"historic storm." I'll probably have early morning pictures of Nemo's impact around here tomorrow morning.
If you live in the lovely northeast or are also in the path of Storm Nemo, be safe! Stay off the road if you don't need to be going anywhere- seriously. Don't be that guy. Be smart, if you have a generator, get auxiliary gasoline for that baby because it's going to suck if you lose power. Batteries for the radio, yanno.
Oh, New England...hunker down!

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