Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's been a little while

I've mostly just been trying to keep up with my schoolwork, midterms are rapidly approaching, which means I'm also halfway over with my last semester at this school! I can only imagine that by May when this is all said and done, I'm going to feel lost. I'm so used to the routine that is school- registering for classes for a new semester, homework, projects, classmates, grades, GPAs, exams. I've been lulled for this long into the routine and in a few months from now, it'll be all over. Then what! THE REAL WORLD AAAAAAAAHHHH.
Aside from that, nothing much has happened. I stayed at Bear's this weekend. We stayed in PJs all morning and while debating for an hour whether or not to get up and get "ready," these guys decided to pay us visits for most of the rest of the day right at his window. We just sat and watched them for like an hour.

I also made a couple of these glasses sleeve things that I found on this girl's blog that I absolutely love. I made one for myself and the one with the G-clefs is to send to my bff for her birthday in a box of goodies- sshhh.

AAAAND I had a hiccup this morning at class...well, actually it wasn't just this morning, and technically I hadn't even gotten to class yet. I have class at 10:30, and I guess it's a wicked popular time for classes...because every sing time I get there, there are no parking spots. And I don't mean there's only like two or three open out of that wing of the school's lots, I mean there are literally ZERO parking spots remaining. So after taking 10 minutes driving back and forth between lots and deciding nobody else was leaving campus to open up a spot, I had to resort to what a number of others had also needed to do, and that I had never had to do before: park on the grass on the side of the road. This was my view.
Waaaaaahhhh :(
Not to mention it was drizzling when I had to run INTO class, late, but it was pouring when I had to walk even further than normal to get back to my car.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The most hiccupy morning of all hiccupy mornings

I must have slept like hell last night because I woke up twice and my sheets were a disaster. When I finally did wake up, it was snowing. Which means I had to make a decision about how to see Bear today since driving such a long distance in the snow hasn't always been a good thing to do. Like ever. Whatever. Ignoring the snow. Screw you, snow.
Went to get dressed, have zero pairs of clean underwear left (meant to do laundry last night, don't know what happened to that plan...) so now I have to wear a pair of the pile that I like never wear. Also potentially have no pairs of pants left for tomorrow and no time between now and then to do laundry.
Yesterday my brother left his facial hair in the sink for the millionth time and I had to go off on him via text. Again. If I don't clean shit up, NOTHING GETS CLEANED UP. Also currently unclogging the tub since I guess I'm the only one to do that, too.
I literally have gone weeks since the last time I had a hiccupy morning...I guess this morning is making up for all of the ones I've missed :| all I want to do is yell at people today. I feel chemically imbalanced. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I wish my worries and complaints were equal to that of miss girl. Aka, obviously nothing.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Winter Storm Nemo

The Weather Channel is making today/tonight/tomorrow to sound like another blizzard of '78 and I'm not sure if I should be "freaking out" yet. Because I wasn't alive then but I've heard it was awful...and sometimes weather sources hype up storms so everybody is forced to "be prepared." I love living in the northeast but losing power here during a winter storm is awful. I've heard that a few winters ago, Texas got some kind of "snow fall" which I guess they've never gotten before, and everybody like flipped out. And I'm just here with a forecast of anywhere from 1-2 feet of snow between now (7:45 Friday AM) and Saturday morning until about noon or so. And to be perfectly honest, we have 2 cars in my household, including mine, that in the event of a true emergency we could get out of the area if we needed to.
Bad news is that (the way TWC is making this storm sound...) I doubt we'll keep power, which really sucks because last season we lost power for almost a week and it was just super irritating. Good news that I'm blessed with is the fact that we do have a generator that can provide us with showers and occasional TV, Internet, and phone charging, and we do have a wood stove right in the living room. Toasty. Also I've been dying ever since I was like 13 to cook something on top of the wood stove. I should just do it sometime.
So this post isn't really about anything interesting, I guess it's just me rambling pre-"historic storm." I'll probably have early morning pictures of Nemo's impact around here tomorrow morning.
If you live in the lovely northeast or are also in the path of Storm Nemo, be safe! Stay off the road if you don't need to be going anywhere- seriously. Don't be that guy. Be smart, if you have a generator, get auxiliary gasoline for that baby because it's going to suck if you lose power. Batteries for the radio, yanno.
Oh, New England...hunker down!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Reece's for breakfast??

I went to bed last night feeling a little sick, I'd already brushed my teeth and honestly didn't care nearly enough to get out of bed and get a snack. I was tired. My stomach was caved in and I could practically see my pulse right on my tummy. I realized I clearly have a problem, and I think I honestly forget to eat throughout the day. I don't know how this happens but I guess the hours in my days just seem to fly right by and to be quite honest sometimes eating just disrupts the flow of it, and I don't even notice until I go to bed at night and try to remember what I ate that day and suddenly realize it wasn't much. That. Sounds. Horrible. Don't call anybody, I assure you I don't have an eating disorder and my bod is just fine, thanks.
But I decided to try something new to remind me to eat. I've set an alarm on my phone for every 2 hours to remind me to eat something. Doesn't have to be something big, but something nonetheless. I started today's eating frenzy off with Reece's for breakfast.
Not Reece's Puff Cereal. This is "grown up" Reece's for breakfast.
I wanted an English muffin and Nutella, and then at the last minute I realized just by adding peanut butter, I could have a hot, melty, delicious Reece's English muffin.

That's all I really wanted to say for now. That's all that really needs to be said.
It looks totally disgusting in this picture but trust me. Just eat it.